Data Representation

tidying your data

Wilfried Cools & Lara Stas


December 27, 2023

SQUARE consultants

Compiled on R 4.3.1


Current draft aims to introduce researchers to the key ideas in data representation that would help to prepare their data for data analysis.

Our target audience is primarily the research community at VUB / UZ Brussel, those who have some basic experience in R and want to know more.

We invite you to help improve this document by sending us feedback:

Key Message

In preparation of data analysis, it is wise to think carefully about how to represent your data. The key ideas are listed first, and will be explained and exemplified in more detail throughout current draft.

  • represent data so that
    • you and fellow researchers understand it, now but also in the future,
    • statistical algorithms understand it,
    • the gap researcher - algorithm is minimized (efficient processing)
      • allows for straightforward data manipulation, modeling, visualization.
  • table formats combine rows and columns in cells:
    • cells contain one and only one piece of information,
    • rows relate cells to a research unit, could be a patient, a mouse, a center, … ,
    • columns relate cells to a property,
    • cells offer information for specific research unit - property combinations.
  • ideally, data are TIDY, with meaning appropriately mapped into structure:
    • each row an observation as research unit,
    • each column a variable as property,
    • each cell a value,
    • note: data can be split into multiple tables.
  • check data by
    • eye-balling to ensure a correct and unambiguous interpretation of cell values,
    • descriptive analysis to detect anomalies from frequency tables and summary statistics (eg., mean, median, minimum-maximum).



Lets generate an exam with questions ordered differently depending on the exam series, using R-markdown.

Test yourself: create a data file for the following 4 participants (assuming many more), ready for analysis.
Read through this draft and if necessary alter your solution.
A possible solution is included at the end.

  • Enid Charles, age 43,
    • visual score 16, mathematical score 2.4,
    • suggested methods A and B,
    • performance score at first time point 101 and second time point 105.
  • Gertrude Mary Cox, age 34,
    • visual score 26, mathematical score 1.4,
    • suggested methods A,
    • performance score at first time point missing and second time point 115.
  • Helen Berg, age 53,
    • visual score 20, mathematical score missing,
    • suggested methods none (not A, nor B, nor C),
    • performance score at first time point 111 and second time point 110.
  • Grace Wahba, age 50,
    • visual score 30, mathematical score above cut-off 10,
    • suggested methods A,
    • performance score at first time point 91 and second time point 115.


Current draft addresses data representation with the following outline:

  • a challenge: it is not always clear how (see above)
  • errors and inconveniences
  • common problems and solutions

In following drafts, data manipulation, modeling and visualization are considered. Typically, all are more straightforward when data are more tidy.

Errors and inconveniences

To avoid problems and frustration in your data analysis, it may be worthwhile to consider the checklist below. It points at various issues that have been encountered in actual data at ICDS and that are easy to avoid. In general most data offered by researchers whom did not attempt to do their own analysis, or at least the preliminary descriptives, is full with issues like the ones highlighted in this section.

In summary:

  • inconsistencies
  • ambiguities / incompleteness
  • inconveniences for either software or user

Error: inconsistent specification of cell values

When labeling or scoring properties for research units (cells), avoid typo’s, inconsistent labeling, inconsistent scoring, …

Often observed problems:

  • typing errors in values or labels, eg., man - women - womem or likely - likly - Likely,
  • inconsistent use of capital letters, eg., man - Man - woman. Most statistical software is case sensitive (eg., R),
  • inconsistent use of spaces (_), eg., man__ - man - _woman - woman,
  • inconsistent use of decimal indicators, eg., 4.2 - 5,3 - 5,9. A comma is often used locally, a dot is used internationally (scientifically),
  • inconsistent use of missing value indicators: _ - NA - 99. Software differ in their default, but consistency is key !

Advice: frequency tables often suffice to detect most of these errors, or a summary for numeric values.


id gender score
id1 man 4.2
id2 Man 5,3
id3 man 5,9
id4 woman 3.1
id5 woman 7,2


Var1 Freq
man 1
Man 1
man 1
woman 2

Note that the average score for the table on the left appears to be 3.65, do you see what went wrong ?

Error: ambiguous and incomplete specification of cell values

When labeling or scoring properties for research units (cells), avoid ambiguity and incompleteness.

Often observed problems within cells:

  • empty cells not implying missing values
    • eg., those that imply the label above (eg., Excel showcase below with empty field meaning group 1),
    • eg., those implying either missing or none, no answer is different from the answer 0 or “” (eg., types variable in ambiguous - incomplete below),
  • combined numerical and non-numerical values, eg., 3.9 combined with >10 (eg., score variable in ambiguous - incomplete below),
  • combined information within a cell, eg., A:B, A:C, B to signal treatments received (none or A, B, and/or C) (eg., types variable in ambiguous - incomplete below).

Each cell should best be fully interpretable on its own, with reference to both row and column only. A codebook, discussed below, serves to alleviate any possible discrepancy between the data representation and the actual data.

Often observed problems combining cells:

  • multiple line headers (eg., Excel showcase blood volume for both baseline and after treatment),
  • merged cells (eg., Excel showcase baseline measurement).

Inconvenience: use of special characters and numbers

When labeling or scoring, or when specifying a variable name, avoid characters that may not be understood properly. Note that some characters call for specific operations in certain statistical software.

Often observed inconveniences follow from using:

  • special characters and spaces (eg., $, %, #, ", ',),
  • use of names starting with numbers (eg., 1st).

Advice: keep columns with text, not part of the statistical analysis, in a separate file.

Ambiguous - Incomplete

id types score
id1 A:B 4.2
id2 A
id3 B 5.9
id4 A:B >10
id5 7.2

Special Characters

id type score
id1 % use 4.2
id2 % use 5,3
id3 'run' 5,9
id4 'run' 3.1
id5 % use 7,2

Inconvenience: complex and lengthy labels and values

When labeling variables or values, strike a balance between meaningful and simple. This is especially important when requesting help from data analysts who typically program their analysis and often do not understand your line of research. Some analysts may even prefer all values as numeric, (eg., 0 vs. 1) while others prefer short alphanumeric values (eg., male vs female).

Advice: To keep meaningful but long and complex headers, use a second line with simple headers to read in for the analysis. Maybe use patientID and id1 instead of patient_identifiers_of_first_block and patient_number_1.

Complex and Lengthy

patient_identifiers_of_first_block my type %mg rating
patient identity number 1 condition with extra air 4.2 mg/s
patient identity number 2 condition without extra air 5,3 mg/s
patient identity number 3 condition with extra air 5,9 mg/s
patient identity number 4 condition with extra air (stopped early) 3.1 mg/s
patient identity number 5 condition without extra air 7,2 mg/s

Advice: To ensure a correct interpretation, now and later, the researcher could make the following distinction,

  • use numbers when values could be interpreted on a continuous scale,
  • use text with clear order like notAgree - neutral - agree,
  • use text postfixed with numbers with unclear order like r1 - r2 - r3 for ordinal scale not to be used as continuous,
  • use text for all remaining labels.

Appropriate Labeling

id type intensity score rank
id1 black low 4.2 rnk1
id2 black medium 5.3 rnk4
id3 red low 5.9 rnk3
id4 yellow high 3.1 rnk3
id5 black low 7.2 rnk2

A codebook could address the relation between labels and their interpretation as well.

Inconvenience: irrelevant data

When starting the analysis, or offering data to third parties, retain only the data of interest for the analysis. Store the remainder of the data in a secure place with an appropriate link.

An example of splitting up data into two tables, one for analysis and one for identification and context is included:

Note that factor turns a variable into a factor (full set of possible values, numeric in essence but used for its labels). Turning factors as numeric provides the underlying numbers.

Complex and Lengthy

name score1 score2 sumscore comments
Enid Charles 3 4 7 some problems at the start
Gertrude Mary Cox 3 3 6
Helen Berg 4 0 4 patient showed no interest
Grace Wahba 4 4 8

Advice: To ensure a correct interpretation, now and later, the researcher could make the following distinction,

  • use numbers when values could be interpreted on a continuous scale,
  • use text with clear order like notAgree - neutral - agree,
  • use text postfixed with numbers with unclear order like r1 - r2 - r3 for ordinal scale not to be used as continuous,
  • use text for all remaining labels.


id score1 score2 sumscore
1 3 4 7
2 3 3 6
4 4 0 4
3 4 4 8


id name comments
1 Enid Charles some problems at the start
2 Gertrude Mary Cox
4 Helen Berg patient showed no interest
3 Grace Wahba

Error: spreadsheets for human interpretation only

Spreadsheets are convenient for representing data because their base structure is a table, with rows and columns, which you need for most statistical analysis, and because they allow for straightforward manipulations of data.

Manually constructed spreadsheets, Excel or other, unfortunately, promote the use of implicit information rather than the required explicit information. For example, cells are left empty because it is, at least for a human, clear from the context what the value should be (eg., Excel showcase, empty field meaning group 1 or 2).

  • incompleteness due to implicit information
  • use of merged cells, not understood by algorithms

Excel showcase

Excel deserves special attention. Understandably very popular, it often does more than expected and can cause serious problems.

Often observed problems:

  • inappropriate cell types (eg., numeric values read in as if they are dates),
  • inappropriate dimensions (eg., activated cells outside the data-frame or hidden columns),

Advice: A safe way to store data, once fully ready, could be a tab-delimited text file. While inconvenient to manipulate, risks for unwanted behavior are eliminated. It is straightforward to convert one into the other.

Common problems and solutions

For data analysis data is most often represented in one or more tables. It is repeated that:

  • Tables combine rows and columns into cells (see key message):
    • with rows that relate cells within a research unit (eg., a row contains all information about a particular observation),
    • with columns that relate cells to a property (eg., a column contains all information about a particular variable)
    • with cells that contain values which offer one and only one piece of information, combining a research unit and a property.
  • Tables for different but related research units are linked by identifiers (eg., table for observation information, table for participant information).

A bad bad exemplary case, using R to turn it around

While it is best to avoid a bad data table from the start, it is in many cases not impossible to convert tables into more appropriate forms.

Purely for illustration purposes, R code is included using the tidyverse package to show a possible data transformation starting from a bad example turning it into another data representation. In current draft the focus is on data representation, not on changing it. More details on how to manipulate, visualize and model data are offered in future drafts.

Consider this monstrous dataset, showing various features that are common in data offered for analysis.